Mortgage Broker in Grimsby
When you are applying for a mortgage, you always need to know how your credit score is looking before you rush into your application. The higher your credit score, the more likely that it is that you will get accepted for a mortgage. There are lots of different ways to improve your credit score, so if you have a low to medium score, you should hold off applying for now as you may get declined which will also look bad on your file.
One factor that affects your credit score is your address and whether it’s up-to-date or not. Also, the fewer addresses that you have registered to you increases your chances of getting a mortgage. However, we are seeing that people are taking this the wrong way.
Some applicants who have moved out of their parents address into rented accommodation are leaving their bank statements, credit card and electoral roll information registered at their previous address. This is because they think that it’s going to have a positive effect on their application, whereas it will actually harm their score. Even if you have just forgotten to change your address, the information is still outdated, which could go against your application.
Double check before you apply
Before you perform a credit search and apply for a mortgage, you have to check that nothing will go against you. You will need to get all of your accounts (credit cards / current accounts) and electoral roll switched over to your new address. This only really applies to you if you have already moved out of your parents home as when you are moving out to get a mortgage in a new home, you can change your details once you have moved in.
Either way, your address needs to be double-checked before you start the mortgage application process. It’s surprising how much of a difference it can make by having everything up-to-date.
It’s important that you get the dates right too, you need to know the exact date you moved into your rented apartment/new home and the day that you left it. If you do happen to make a mistake with these dates it can appear that you are living in two places at the same time.
Impress the lender
You need to show the lender that you are taking this seriously and you know what you are doing. This is a more open and honest way of doing things which will also benefit your credit score.
If you still require a bit more help or just want an experienced Mortgage Advisor in Grimsby to check everything over for you, feel free to give us a call today; we are available from 7 days a week!
We know that being a first time buyer in Grimsby with no mortgage experience can be hard, this is why we are offering you a helping hand, get in touch with Grimsbymoneyman, your local Mortgage Broker in Grimsby today.
Date Last Edited: February 4, 2025